martes, 15 de julio de 2008

A traditional brazilian drink

It is prepared with cachaca is very popular in Europe and the U.S. I guess you could say it used to be Brazil's best-kept secret.

The caipirinha is a cocktail of Brazil, which is prepared by cachaca, lemon, sugar and ice.

What is cachaca?
The Chacaca is the most popular alcoholic beverage distilled from Brazil. It is obtained as a product of the distillation of sugar cane.

If you want to prepare a glass of the drink you should cut a lemon unpeeled, into pieces of medium size, then add one or two tablespoons of white sugar, lemon slices are slightly squeezed. Then he poured the mixture to ice previously been smashed in cubes of cachaça and shaken; finally enjoy it!!!

domingo, 13 de julio de 2008

The little bear (TEDDY)

In a far beautiful forest lived a close bear’s family formed for Mr Gabriel bear, Mrs Gloria bear and their little son Teddy.

The little bear Teddy admires his dad for being a respected and friendly bear in the forest;also he loves his mother because she was admired for being patient and understanding person.-

One day Teddy got sleep so late,suddenly when his dad went to Teddy´s bedroom he saw that it was disorganized, then Mr Gabriel got angry and he said to him: “If you are not organized, you won’t play with your friends”, then the little bear felt sad.-

That afternoon Teddy visited to his dad’s office, and he felt surprised when he saw the office disorganized, his dad saw him and said “If I had had time, I would’ve organized my office”. The little bear got confused because his dad said that the order was always a very important value.-

Next day the little bear was very enthusiastic talking with his tiger friend, but when his friend wanted to talk he didn’t let him so the little tiger was uncomfortable,them Mrs Gloria, who was hearing the conversation realized about his son’s mistake, and she told him: “Teddy if you want to be heard, you have to learn to hear”.-

At night, when the bear family were taking dinner, Mrs Gloria started to talk with Mr Gabriel about the problem that happened in the afternoon with the little Teddy, when Mr Teddy wanted to talk, she didn’t let him to talk, so he got angry and he said “If you let me talk, I will help you”, and Mrs Gloria answered “If you spent more time with your son, you could advice him about his bad behaviour”, and Mr Gabriel replied “If I didn’t have a lot of work, I could spend more time with him”.-

Teddy felt so bad for the disscusion, and he went to his bedroom, he started to think, why his parents said something and then they did something different, why his dad said to him “Don’t be disorganized, but his father was disorganized too.

If you want your children to learn something you have to teach by actions.

Con sabor a Perú!!!

Tum tum humitas, humitas; humita calientes.

Quien no ha escuchado en las calles el sonar de un tambor a ritmo afro peruano, acompañado de una populosa voz que anuncia el llegar de las humitas.

La palabra humita o huminta se deriva de la lengua quechua hablada en los Andes Centrales; se dice que tiene origen andino; sin embargo aún no se tiene plena seguridad puesto que también tiene presencia en Venezuela, Colombia, Perú, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile y hasta Centroamérica, y por tanto forma parte de sus menús tradicionales.
Consiste básicamente en una pasta de masa de maíz cocido y levemente aderezada de aceite, envuelta y finalmente cocida en las propias hojas del plátano o las pancas del maíz.
Para muchos el tamal y la humita podrían ser platos idénticos; puesto que presentan similar forma; sin embargo esta idea fue rechazada cuando Juana De La Rosa (veterana en la preparación de humitas) me dijo que el tamal se diferencia por tener una masa más condimentada, alguna carne al interior y en ciertos casos se envuelven con hojas de plátano.

Cuando la señora Juana De La Rosa me explica como se prepara la humita, su tono de voz cambia (se nota que su pasión es la cocina), me dice que para que la humita conserve un buen sabor depende principalmente del tiempo de cocción que agarre la masa y la selección de las hojas con las que se envuelven las humitas.

Después de ir a varios puestos de la plazuela de Chabuca Granda ubicada en el centro de Lima, puede degustar diferentas sabores de humitas; ya que en nuestro país tenemos las saladas como las dulces o las acompañadas de queso o ensalada de cebolla.
La señora Dorita que tiene su puesto en dicha plazuela, me cuenta que a pesar de que en otros países también preparan las humitas no hay como las nuestras que son hechas a base de granos de choclo peruano y preparado por manos negras a lo peruano.
Actualmente este platillo se vende en distintos restaurantes campestres de trayectoria respectivamente, quienes coinciden en que el sabor de una humita bien preparada radica en el uso del choclo costeño o criollo para su preparación.
En la sierra este platillo se pone a cocer junto a la pachamanca; debajo de la tierra; sin embargo tiene un sabor distinto que para algunos resulta exquisito y para otros no tan agradables pero a la vez este plato resulta un icono de la gastronomía peruana.
Así como nos sentimos orgullosos de este platillo también han habido quienes han evocado a la comida peruana; ya que entusiasma a distintos personajes como literatos y gastrónomos de todo el mundo.